Wyoming Registered Agent Services LLC

Wyoming Registered Agent Services LLC is your economical choice in Wyoming registered agent services.

Eco is our credo. It’s how we live our life. Opulence and overindulgence is not in our DNA.

Here’s some ways of life we believe in and strive to live by:

  1. A life without debt. Our owners rent their homes and our office space.
  2. Reduction of property tax. Here in Wyoming, our tax system revolves around sales tax, use tax, and property tax. We don’t have income tax. We do have a very high property tax, so we don’t believe in owning real estate. We let the ranchers, oil fields, and rich ski resort 7th vacation home owners pay the property tax.
  3. Reduction of sales tax. By buying as little as possible, we also reduce our sales tax liabilities. We prefer to buy used if possible, or even bartering for goods. We refuse to submit to the society norm for worldly possessions.
  4. Life without cars. We ride bicycles, which saves us a LOT of money in insurance, licensing, and auto expense. We live in a small town, and we love cross country cycling.
  5. Privacy. We fiercely defend our clients’ privacy. The world of big data is getting bigger and bigger. New Data-scraping websites appear every month. Scraping websites for contact names, phone numbers, and emails to put in database after database and sell and sell. We don’t put our owners names online because of this idealology.
  6. Growing and raising your own food. We share a cow each year. We also go in on a pig. We raise our own chickens, and we make our own goat milk and cheese. We grow as many vegetables as possible, and we believe in buying local food.
  7. Vermicomposting. A worm bin in the office sounds freaky, we know. But you can’t believe how much it reduces waste. We hardly ever take out the trash anymore, because we don’t have to.
  8. Bartering. Services are taxable in Wyoming. We often barter to minimize our expenses. Bartering is an awesome way to live. We’re open to exchanges if you have something we may utilize.
  9. Being content. We live in a beautiful part of the world. Many people do not and get caught up in keeping up with their neighbors or peers. We do not believe in this principle. Happiness will never come from buying a bigger TV or pickup truck, spending $1200 for new rims and bigger tires might make you feel like a bigger more important person every now and then, but deep down, it is only a temporary fix to finding inner happiness. We do not need to charge our clients an arm and a leg because we do not need a lot of possessions.
  10. Less is more. How many times have you moved junk you don’t need? By owning less, we believe we are more free than people that own a lot.
  11. All natural cleaners and detergents. You’d be surprised what a little vinegar and water will do. We clean our own offices so we don’t have to hire out every week.
  12. We use storage units to live smaller not larger. Most people we know waste a lot of money storing junk in storage units that they don’t really need or will never use. We rent a smaller home and office, save a substantial amount of money, but rotating items we seasonally use in and out of our storage unit. Bikes, skis, kayak; why have a massive home just to store stuff?
  13. Sustainability and recycling. We fiercely recycle. You should too.
  14. You know what really irks us? Unsolicited mail. We’re pretty fanatical about keeping our names off solicitor lists. Less waste, my friends.
  15. Bottled water and grocery bags are evil.
  16. Climate change is real.
  17. Pigeon carriers. We are in the process of training pigeons to deliver messages for us all over the country. So far we’ve only had a successful delivery to Green River. Okay. Not really. But wouldn’t that be cool?
  18. Let’s keep our money in America.

We’re a success story. We do our clients right, year after year. We actually only charge $154 to form a Wyoming LLC for you. We do it right the first time. Keeping your information offline. Keeping you private. This is what we do. We want to help you get this done fast, so you can move on and do what you do.