Best State to Incorporate In

Incorporate in Wyoming for $154 total

We form Wyoming corporations for our clients for $154 total. Wyoming is the best state to incorporate in, and our service is the cheapest and most comprehensive you can find.

Our Wyoming incorporation package includes:

  • The Wyoming $104 state filing fee
  • Our $25 WY resident agent fee
  • Our $25 processing fee
  • We sign as organizer or incorporator
  • We list our address as your principal and mailing to keep your address private
  • Free Wyoming mail forwarding
  • Use of our address

Why Incorporate In Wyoming?

Many clients ask us: Why Wyoming anyway? What’s so special about the Cowboy State?

Wyoming is the best state to incorporate in, bar none. There are many Wyoming advantages. The question isn’t really why incorporate in Wyoming. The question is why not Wyoming? Wyoming is the most business friendly state in America. When you incorporate in WY, you’re starting a business in a low-tax state with laws designed to help businesses, not hurt them. We don’t even have a Department within the Department of Revenue for income tax. Wyoming believes in privacy for businesses, and laws that protect business owners. Wyoming Corporations are not as private as a Wyoming LLC. If you are looking for privacy more than asset protection, please look into our Wyoming LLC service. No other state offers more liability protection than Wyoming.

Take a look at the facts below, and you won’t have to ask: why incorporate in Wyoming? We think you’ll agree that Wyoming is the best state to incorporate for your business.

Wyoming Incorporation Facts:

There are many Wyoming advantages that you simply don’t get in other states. Compared to other states, there really isn’t any competition. Make your choice: Incorporate in Wyoming.

  • Shareholders are not given to the state
  • Operating agreements and LLC membership certificates are not filed with the state
  • There is no business license like Nevada
  • There is no initial list like many states
  • No franchise tax
  • No need for nominee services
  • LLC members are not given to the state
  • LLC managers are not given to the state
  • You don’t ever have to come to Wyoming to open a Wyoming company
  • Wyoming has close llcs and close corporations
  • You can move your current company to Wyoming and keep your start date
  • You can open a Wyoming bank account anywhere in the US
  • You don’t have to be a US resident to own a Wyoming company
  • Wyoming incorporation filings takes about 5-7 days
  • There is no way to speed a Wyoming incorporation. Anyone offering it faster is duping you
  • Wyoming has no corporate or personal income tax
  • Each year, WY charges $62 to keep your company in good standing
  • A registered agent will want an annual fee, we only charge $25
  • WY LLCs can be formed privately
  • WY Corps are not private
  • You can check on your Wyoming incorporation order here
  • You can file your annual report here

A WY LLC or a WY Corp are both the same price.

When you hire us to handle your Wyoming incorporation, we will monitor your annual report dates and send you reminders. You’ll be looking at $62 a year to the state and $25 a year to us as your Wyoming agent. We also include Wyoming Mail Forwarding for every client. As an additional option you can get a Wyoming Phone Number or a Wyoming Virtual Office.

We allow you to use our Wyoming address for your Wyoming incorporation to hide your address in your home state. Form a company in Wyoming today and see why this is the best state to incorporate in anywhere in the country.