Cheapest Way to Form a Wyoming LLC

Anyone can form an LLC in Wyoming in just a few minutes by filing Articles of Organization with the Wyoming Secretary of State. Wyoming LLCs are the best in the US. They have the strongest asset protection laws and you can form a Wyoming LLC without listing members or managers information on the public filings. Starting your LLC requires just a few steps:

    1. Select Your LLC Name
    2. Decide Your LLC Type
    3. Appoint a Wyoming Registered Agent
    4. List Mailing and Office Address
    5. Obtain your LLC Organizer’s Consent

But there is a crucial caveat to forming a Wyoming LLC. If you are the organizer filing on your own, you basically forfeit your privacy. If you’re fine with your personal information becoming part of the public record, you can follow the steps above to set up your Wyoming LLC for only $100 (add a $4 convenience fee if you’re filing online).

Or you could hire us to form your LLC in Wyoming for $154 total, including state filing fees, a year of registered agent service, and free use of our permanent building address. On top of all that, you get website, email, and phone service without paying any more upfront.

However you choose to form your business, we firmly believe a Wyoming LLC is the best for business owners, and we know we’re the best LLC formation service in Wyoming.

Form a Wyoming LLC with Us: $154 total

It only costs $104 to form a Wyoming LLC online instantly. Thing is, if you try to file your own Wyoming LLC, you will screw up the privacy part and your personal information will end up on permanent record. So your next move is to seek out a registered agent who can handle your business filings. That’s where we come in.

See, we pick up a lot of new registered agent clients who unfortunately used some of the big national incorporation services or cut-rate registered agent services and got their information listed on the Wyoming Secretary of State website. Some of those registered agent clients were spared from having their personal information exposed, but they had to deal with the hassle of updating their mailing and business addresses because those big national corporations don’t even own a building in Wyoming. Instead, they rent out 3rd party vendor addresses.

We don’t play those games. We actually own our own building in Wyoming. That means you know we can support you and your business for good. We only charge $154 total, which includes the $104 filing fee, to get your Wyoming LLC formed right the first time, without getting your information on public records. That’s less than 50 bucks to cover your registered agent requirement and get everything your business needs, including keeping your address off the public record.

Our Wyoming LLC package also includes:

  • $154 total. That includes all fees and everything
  • The $104 Wyoming State filing fee for the WY LLC Articles of Organization
  • First year of $25 registered agent and registered office services
  • Listing our address on the Wyoming LLC articles as the principal address
  • Listing our address on the Wyoming LLC articles as the mailing address
  • Secure business website, domain name, and email service
  • Wyoming phone service
  • We sign as the LLC organizer to keep your info offline
  • Listing our address for the organizer address
  • We email you a scanned copy of the filed Wyoming L.L.C. articles as soon as we get them back
  • We always store a copy of your filed LLC articles in your online account
  • Necessary compliance with WY state laws
  • A Wyoming LLC operating agreement
  • Ongoing support of an online account to manage your LLC documents
  • Optional add-on items, like Trade Name Service and corporate book and seal
  • Free Wyoming mail forwarding (and paid options for growing businesses!)
  • Use of our address for your LLC business face
  • No PO Boxes needed to get your mail

As a service to you, we include your first year of registered agent service with us, free use of the permanent Wyoming business address in the building we own, free limited mail forwarding, and secure online account through which you can access pre-filled out Wyoming business documents and through which we send you timely compliance reminders. All for only $154 total.

Secure business website, domain name, email, and Wyoming phone service come with your formation package at no additional upfront cost. You can bundle these services or order them separately, and you’re free to cancel any service at any time. What’s the advantage of getting these services with us? Well, as always, we have your privacy in mind. You own your domain name and all the data on your website even if you change hosting services. And, having a dedicated business phone line and email will keep your personal phone and email private.

If you want to form a Wyoming limited liability company, this is the best Wyoming L.L.C. package you can find. We form Wyoming companies every day, and the reason we do it so cheap is because we want your LLC set up right, so that you’ll pay us a $25 registered agent renewal the next year. There’s no point in our mind for you paying us $25 now, filing your own LLC and messing it up, only to be mad when you realize it, and then not renew the next year.

Form a Wyoming LLC – $154 Total

Wyoming LLC Benefits

Wyoming LLC benefits go beyond easy, low-cost Wyoming LLC formation. Forming an LLC in Wyoming means you’ll have more freedom to operate as an independent, private business owner.

Some of the key Wyoming LLC benefits include:

  • Privacy and Anonymity. The personal information of owners and managers does not need to become public record filed with the Wyoming Secretary of State—if you do it right. We can form your LLC and serve as your registered agent so that we list our information rather than yours. Learn more about how our Wyoming registered agent service guards your privacy!
  • Asset Protection. Wyoming LLC asset protection is among the strongest in the US. That means your personal assets are protected from LLC creditors, and your LLC is safe from personal creditors. Plus, you can look into Wyoming trademarks to protect your intellectual property.
  • Non residents welcome. The benefits of a Wyoming LLC extend beyond just Wyoming residents. Pretty much anyone is welcome to form an anonymous Wyoming LLC without being a resident. No citizenship or residency requirements are required. That means you don’t need to live in Wyoming (or even be a US resident!) to do business in Wyoming.
  • No Income Taxes and Low Fees. No corporate income tax. No personal tax. No fees based on capital contributions. Forming an LLC in Wyoming means you can focus on investing rather than paying tons of taxes and fees.
  • Tax Flexibility. One of the benefits of an LLC is that you have options for how you file your Wyoming LLC taxes. You can also elect to be taxed as an S-Corp or a C-Corp if you plan to scale your business. As is, an LLC is already taxed as a pass-through entity by default, so forming an LLC means you avoid self-employment taxes and being double-taxed as an LLC and on your members’ individual income.
  • Several Options for Business Type. Wyoming allows for single-member LLCs, close limited liability companies (Close LLCs), decentralized autonomous organization LLCS (DAO LLCs), and a host of other Wyoming LLC types—not to mention you can establish a Wyoming trust along with a Wyoming LLC for even more benefits.
  • Membership Protections. While a handful of other states might allow for single-member LLCs, Wyoming has specific statutes and legal precedent in support of LLCs owned by a single owner, including extending the corporate veil to protect a business owners personal assets. Wyoming also has charging order protection to protect business assets from personal creditors. This is just one example of how Wyoming strives to ensure a favorable environment for business.

Wyoming LLC benefits provide you privacy, simplicity, and freedom of choice every step of the way. In short, you get peace of mind when you choose to form an LLC in Wyoming.

How to file a Wyoming LLC yourself: $129 total

Forming an LLC in Wyoming takes just a few minutes. The key document you’ll need to file is your Wyoming LLC articles of organization. Once you’ve filed your articles, your company is official!

Here are the 5 things you’ll need to do as you complete your articles of organization:

  1. Select Your Wyoming LLC Name.
    You’ll need to come up with an original name for your limited liability company as per the Wyoming Code (Section 17-29-108). You can conduct a Wyoming business name search to make sure your business name isn’t already in use. There are a few other naming conventions you’ll need to follow when choosing your company name—be sure to review the Wyoming Secretary of State’s page on How to Choose a Company Name.
  2. Decide your LLC Type (Close LLC Election).
    The Wyoming articles of organization will ask you whether you’d like to form a Close Limited Liability Company (Close LLC). This is a unique LLC structure designed with family-operated businesses in mind.  Check the box if you’d like to form this kind of LLC. The key benefit of a Wyoming Close LLC is that it limits reporting requirements along with limiting membership, dissolution, and continuation of the LLC in the event of a member’s death. Most business owners do not elect to form a Close LLC.
  3. Appoint a Wyoming Registered Agent.
    You will need a registered agent for service of process—this applies to every Wyoming LLC. All this means is you’ll need to appoint an individual or business entity to accept legal papers on behalf of your Wyoming LLC. To qualify as a registered agent, one has to (a) maintain a physical street address in Wyoming and (2) adhere to regular business hours. On the articles of organization, your registered agent will sign their consent to appointment and provide relevant contact information.
  4. List your LLC’s Mailing and Principal Office Address.
    The mailing and principal office address is basically the main address from which you do business and where you’d like to receive mail. As noted above, this is public record, so your registered agent’s address is typically the address you’d list here. It’s one of the crucial reasons we give our clients free use of our business address for their public filings: to preserve their privacy.
  5. Obtain your LLC Organizer’s Consent.
    Your LLC organizer will need to provide contact information and their signature indicating their written consent to be your LLC organizer.

That’s it! You can file your Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization online instantly for $104 ($4 convenience fee for online filing). Or you can access a copy of the Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization and mail it in with a $100 money order payable to the Wyoming Secretary of State.

Wyoming Secretary of State
Herschler Building East, Suite 101
122 W 25th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020

Here’s the thing: being your own registered agent and organizer would completely ruin the privacy and anonymity part. For starters, registered agents must list their name and address on the articles of organization—this becomes public record. On top of that, if you form your company yourself, you’ll have to list your own name and address as the LLC organizer. Your best bet is to hire an experienced and reliable company to form your business and serve as your registered agent.

Your Beneficial Ownership Filing

Most LLCs need to file a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report with the federal government’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) as part of an ongoing effort to reduce financial crime in the US.

On your BOI report, you’ll provide the name, address, jurisdiction of formation, and tax ID for your LLC, plus identification information (including photocopies of IDs) for your beneficial owners and company applicants. Unlike your state filings, the information in your BOI report is not made public.

  • What’s a beneficial owner? Anyone with substantial control over a reporting company: any individual who holds 25% or more of a reporting company’s ownership interest or who has direct control over the company’s financial and organizational activities as a senior officer or LLC member/manager.
  • What’s a company applicant? The individual(s) responsible for company formation and/or for filing formation documents with the state.

Reports can be submitted online through the Beneficial Ownership Secure System (BOSS), and filing is free.

Due dates: There several different due dates, depending on the year you formed your company:

  • Formed before 2024: File before January 1, 2025 (additionally, these companies don’t need to include company applicant info).
  • Formed during 2024: File within 90 days of company formation.
  • Formed after 2024: File within 30 days of company formation.

If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by BOI reporting requirements, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. We’ll file your report for just $25.

Wyoming LLC Best Practices

You’ve formed a Wyoming LLC—now what? Here are some Wyoming LLC best practices to make sure your limited liability company runs smoothly:

  • Prepare a Wyoming LLC Operating Agreement. This an internal document. You are not required to file it with any government agency, and there is no requirement to have an operating agreement at all. But we strongly encourage you to have one because it serves as your LLC’s operational backbone. If there are any disputes regarding ownership or operational logistics down the line, your LLC’s operating agreement serves as your company’s constitution. At minimum, a solid operating agreement will outline (1) who owns the company, (2) each member’s contributions to the company, and (3) how your LLC will operate on day-to-day.
  • Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). You can obtain an EIN (or FEIN) through the IRS online EIN application portal. You’ll need an EIN if your LLC has more than one member, if you plan to hire employees, and/or if you elect to have your LLC taxed as a corporation. Basically, the only LLC that is not required to have an EIN is a single-member LLC with no employees. Check out our detailed walkthrough on How to Get an IRS EIN Number for Free in Wyoming.
  • Open a Business Bank Account. You’ll need a dedicated bank account for your company. This will ensure that your personal assets and the personal assets of all other members are kept distinct and separate from your LLC’s assets. This is crucial if you want take advantage of the limited liability part of a limited liability company—asset protection requires that you maintain that barrier between personal and business assets. Learn more about How to Open a Wyoming Bank Account for an LLC or Corporation.

Setting up an LLC in Wyoming is easy. Ensuring that your business is equipped to succeed? That takes a little bit of grunt work. That’s why our comprehensive LLC formation package goes beyond just forming your Wyoming LLC. When you hire us, you’ll receive compliance reminders, ongoing customer support, and access to any document you’ll need to ensure your company excels—all of it immediately available to you through your secure online account.

Wyoming LLC Filing Tips

Below we’ll share some Wyoming LLC filing tips because we stand by our word that setting up a Wyoming LLC is generally the best move—even if you don’t hire our services.

Filing Tips:

  1. Keep a copy of your LLC formation documents (articles of organization) for your records
  2. Make your check or money order payable to the “Wyoming Secretary of State”
  3. Remember to provide an email address so that you can receive confirmation
  4. Fill out your LLC formation documents in black ink

The above applies to mailing in your LLC formation documents on your own. If you choose to form your Wyoming LLC online through us, we handle all the tedious stuff and form your LLC for you instantly.

Wyoming LLC FAQs

Why is a Wyoming LLC The Best?

Wyoming is considered the best state to form an LLC because it combines the asset protection of a limited liability company (LLC) with Wyoming’s business-friendly laws. To be a bit more specific, forming an LLC in Wyoming means you’ll have minimal paperwork, low fees, no state income taxes, enhanced asset protection, and privacy.  In fact, since becoming the first state to pass legislation allowing limited liability companies in 1977, Wyoming has led the way in ensuring that small businesses thrive. If you’re forming a Wyoming LLC on your own, you can get it done online in minutes for $104.

But if you want to take advantage of Wyoming’s unrivaled privacy laws and remain an anonymous business owner, hiring a Wyoming LLC registered agent service keeps your personal information off the books. We can do just that for $25 per year. And if you’re looking to form your Wyoming LLC today, we do it for $154 total, including state fees, registered agent services, a professional business address, free mail forwarding, and more!

Plus, we go the extra mile with our website, email, and phone services. With these tools, customers will be able to find you online, you’ll look more professional, and you’ll keep your personal phone and email private. Setting everything up is easy, too—your website comes with pre-built pages and we’ve got customer service reps ready to help every step of the way. Just another example of why we’re the supreme registered agent in Wyoming.

What’s the process to form a Wyoming LLC?

To form an LLC, you send articles of organization to the Wyoming Secretary of State. You may form a Wyoming LLC on your own and appoint us as your registered agent. The Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization and filing tips are in your client account and can be accessed immediately when you place an order with us. You can also file online. So you don’t need to hire us to form a Wyoming LLC, but you should. We barely charge you anything, and we’ll do everything exactly how it should be done to ensure you reap all the benefits of forming a Wyoming LLC.

What kind of LLC endings can I have?

An LLC must have an ending that can be abbreviated: LLC or LC. You can add periods after each letter and a comma in between your name if wanted. You can also write out the full words: Limited Liability Company or Limited Company. And if you want to really be unique you could have a mix and do: Limited Liability Co, Ltd. Liability Company, or Ltd. Liability Co. You cannot use corporation endings for LLCs.

Should I form a Wyoming LLC myself?

Probably not. The problem with this option is that a Wyoming LLC is anonymous by nature. The only thing you can really do yourself is screw it up. We prefer our clients just let us do it for them. We can form a Wyoming company at a break even point just to get it done right for you the first time. If you want a properly filed Wyoming limited liability company, your best option is hire us to do it for you. Not only will you get your information into the public databases, you’ll also establish a money record between you and the state. By paying us, your money trail ends here.

How much will a Wyoming LLC cost to start?

The initial cost to start a Wyoming LLC is a $100 filing fee to the WY SOS (plus a $4 convenience fee if you file online). Here are additional costs to take into consideration:

  • Registered agent costs. Ours is only $25.
  • Professional Service costs. If you hire us, we only charge $25, so a total of $154
  • Certificate of Good Standing. Wyoming offers free certificates of good standing and you can get them instantly online.
  • Certified Copy. You can order a certified copy of your articles, but there’s no need to for $10.00
  • Purchasing a trade name. Also known as a DBA, many Wyoming LLCs opt to have a trade name for franchising and branding purposes. If you’re interested you can add our Trade Name Service for $225 at checkout.

What will a Wyoming LLC cost after formation?

The state charges $62 yearly and requires that you submit an annual report on the first day of the month in which your LLC was formed. We charge $25 for registered agent services, and those services include annual report reminders to keep you compliant with the state.

So in summary, after you form a Wyoming LLC, the next year you’ll owe $62 to the state, and $25 to us as your Wyoming Registered Agent.

We offer Wyoming LLC formation services as a benefit to our clients in order to get your Wyoming LLC filed correctly. We get many change of agent orders from other budget agent companies that ended up doing their clients a disservice and did not form a Wyoming LLC privately the first time. This is always a bummer, because if they had come to us first they would have had their Wyoming LLC formed properly and privately the first time.